Tutorial instalare GunXP MOD [ AMXX ]

[+]Descriere : BuyZone este limitata,ca sa obtii arme trebuie sa omori inamici si sa faci experienta.Dupa ce obti o suma de experienta ,faci un level si tot asa,Cu fiecare level obtinut poti lua alte arme mai performante.Acesta nu este gungame.

[+]Cvar :

Code: Select all

gxm_enable "1"   ///1: On , 0: Off
gxm_savetype "1"   ///Cum sa se salveze xp-ul:  1 = MySQL, 0 = NVault.
gxm_level_text "0"   ///Arata levelul tau prin:  1 = HUD message, 0 = Un simplu mesaj colorat.
gxm_xp "15"   ///Cata experienta sa iti dea daca omori un inamic.
gxm_level_style "1"   ///La fiecare level veti castiga o arma noua: 1 = Da, 0 = Nu,Selecteaza arma din meniu.
gxm_triple "1"   ///Activeaza Triple Kill bonus XP: 1 = Da, 0 = Nu.
gxm_triple_xp "3"   ///Cat bonus XP sa iti dea pentru Triple Kill.
gxm_triple_kills "3"   ///Cate kill-uri are un jucator nevoie pentru a primii bonus.
gxm_ultra "1"   ///Activeaza Ultra Kill bonus XP: 1 = Da, 0 = Nu.
gxm_ultra_kills "6"   ///Cate kill-uri trebuie sa faci pentru bonusul Ultra Kill.
gxm_admin_xp "1"   ///Activeaza Extra Xp pentru ucideri: 1 = Da, 0 = Nu.
gxm_extra_xp "4"   ///Cat extra xp sa le dea la admini.
gxm_show_rank "1"   ///Arata rankul in /top20: 1 = Da, 0 = Nu.
[+]SQL Cvar :

Code: Select all

gxm_host "" - The host from the db.
gxm_user "root" - The username from the db login.
gxm_pass "" - The password from the db login.
gxm_dbname "gunxpmod" - The database name.
[+]Comenzi in chat :

Code: Select all

/menu   ///Iti arata meniul modului.
/level   ///Iti arata informatii despre tine,ce tine de xp.
/ul,ul,/unlocks   ///Nu iti mai upgradeaza arma,si poti cumpara altele.
[+]Daca pe serverul dumneavoastra ruleaza ,si alt mod intrati in gunxpmod.cfg si editati :

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//#define NORMAL_MOD - Normal mod,means simple cs style without other mods.
//#define ZOMBIE_SWARM - Uncomment it if you are using Zombie Swarm and comment other.
#define ZOMBIE_INFECTION - Uncomment it if you are using Zombie Infection style mods and comment other.
Uncommented style mod can be only one.

By the way, i

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is included ,then don't forget to comment-uncomment this lines :

Code: Select all

You can also edit item (unlock_*.sma) name and description and change cost to whatever you want.
Example, find this line and edit :

Code: Select all

register_gxm_item("Grenades Pack", "Gives an extra grenades", 90)
                    //Item name     //Item Description    //Item cost
[+]Instalare :

Dezarhivati GunXpMod_Resources.rar in HLDS(unde este sv instalat,unde se afla hlds.exe).
Dezarhivati GunXpMod_Files.rar in HLDS(unde este sv instalat,unde se afla hlds.exe).
Intrati in addons/amxmodx/config/plugins.ini si adaugati urmatoarele linii :

Code: Select all

; Main GunXpMod plugin

; GunXpMod misc. plugins

; GunXpMod shop item plugins
[+]Poze :
[+]Download :


- Link 1

- Link 2


- Link 1

- Link 2

Autor : xbatista

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